HOOBOX Robotics


Who we are

Hi, we are HOOBOX

A healthtech that uses AI to ensure the well-being and safety of patients

Promoting scale to hospitals

Our mission as healthtech is to help hospitals scale their operations otimizando as jornadas de seus pacientes eliminando os gargalos, pontos de ineficiência e criando novas fontes de receita.

Acelerada pelo JLABS (Johnson & Johnson) em Houston, e incubada na Eretz.bio (Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein), a HOOBOX transforma jornadas de grandes clientes do check-in à internação como Hospital Sírio-Libanês, Dasa, Hospital Oswaldo Cruz, Grupo Santa Joana e outros. 

Fundada pelo Dr. Paulo Pinheiro e Cláudio Pinheiro, ex-pesquisadores da Unicamp, a HOOBOX possui tecnologias próprias para otimização e gestão de check-in, centros cirúrgicos e internação. Pontos sensíveis de todos hospitais. 

We generate impact on hospitals and patients by digitizing and automating journeys from check-in to admission. Journeys that depend on paperwork, phone calls or many human processes are transformed into flows free of delays and waste, with high satisfaction and low patient churn, leading to increased hospital revenue.

Cutting-edge technology and design to offer hospitals the optimal use of their resources.

Our values

Security and privacy

Data security and privacy are practiced in all HOOBOX processes. Each company employee is a human firewall and we carry this culture along with our products.


We share our opinions without bias. From product to commercial, transparency is one of our greatest assets of trust. 

Transformation and innovation

Our clients don't want more of the same, they want something that transforms their reality, taking their institution to another level. We recognize that the adversity a client faces must be treated in a personalized, individualized way.

Busca pelo extraordinário

Our time, effort, resources and energy will always be allocated to activities that will generate the greatest effect for our client, always in search of extraordinary results, where every detail makes a difference.

Strength and resilience with the customer

We recognize that the adversity a client faces must be treated on an individual basis. Our clients face daily challenges that they have often been unable to resolve in the past. We show the ability to create and recover broken journeys and difficulties faced.

Us we associate with the best partners

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