Sobrecarga Mental no Trabalho da Enfermagem: Cuidando dos Cuidadores
Sobrecarga Mental no Trabalho da Enfermagem: Cuidando dos Cuidadores Tecnologia Prioritizando o Paciente e o Bem-Estar dos Profissionais de Enfermagem A enfermagem […]
The importance of Patient Navigation for your Journey
The patient experience in a hospital can be complex and confusing, especially amid an unfamiliar environment and moments of […]
Data and hospitals
Data science in hospital management Data science is spreading across all areas of human activity in […]
The patient experience in Health 4.0
The patient experience in Health 4.0 When we refer to Health 4.0, images of surgeries performed […]
A quick question: Are any of your patients currently at risk of falling right now?
Medical teams, a quick question: Are any of your patients currently at risk of falling right now? Ever found yourself wishing you […]
Why is PCI DSS Important?
What Is PCI DSS Certification? Established by major payment card companies such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and […]
The Importance of Digitalizing Diet Release: Benefits of a Technological Tool
The future of releasing digital dietsTechnology has revolutionized the way health processes are managed, bringing numerous advantages […]
Neonpass Room versus Digital Concierge
The difference between an assistance platform and a feature It is no longer surprising that Neonpass Room is helping IT teams […]